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Tuesday, September 16


I promised I'd give my views on this Weight Loss 4 Idiots diet, so here I am (I always try to keep my promises)!

I came across WL4I – weight loss 4 idiots by accident online when I was looking up a calorie counter and it sounded very interesting so I decided to give it a try. I think it's the best $27 I have ever spent.

Like any diet, it takes motivation and lots of will power and having people doing it with me helps out a lot. This diet is so easy to’s all the foods you love and I feel like I’m not starving myself. I am now used to drinking all the water it requires and to tell the truth I’m not really exercising like I should. Just some walking and Pilates every now and then....and I’m not looking anything like a sharpies.

I actually began the diet on Sunday, August 24th and as of Wednesday, August 27, I had lost 10 pounds. I have read comments on various forums but I must tell you that I am over the moon. As stated before, all diets and their success and/or failure is individualistic to the person and what their body, and they as a person, can handle.

That said, this diet is a Godsend for me, truly. If you can bear with me, I'll explain why and give as much input as I can to, hopefully, aid people in making their decision if this diet is right for them so they won't 'waste' the $27.

Firstly, I hate cooking. The dicing, cutting, preparing, the hanging over the stove.. I'm sorry but it just isn't me. This diet does not mandate that you cook an awful lot - in fact, most things you can do in a microwave if you wish.

My meals, as I chose them, are based on the following: Chicken, eggs, fish filets, ground turkey, cottage cheese, vegetables, fruit (sometimes with fat free Cool Whip!) hot dogs, a roast beef sandwich and flavored oatmeal. Yes, I will confirm that I eat chicken and ground turkey about 9 days out of the 11.

I also eat fruits and vegetables in one form or other every single day. I can also confirm that the diet is a relatively high protein, low carb and low fat diet. However, what you eat is very healthy.

It is also important to note that the rule of thumb of the whole entire diet is that you MAY EAT AS MUCH AS YOU WANT UNTIL YOU ARE SATISFIED BUT NOT STUFFED! If you think about this rationally, most of us probably DO eat well beyond what is necessary at meals because either, you don't want to waste the food or it tastes too good to put the fork down.

This diet, at least for me, has taught me when enough enough is and I can't see that as a bad thing. I'm guessing that if you are hungry between meals, you are either

1. Waiting too long between them or

2. You are not eating enough at one sitting.

I can also understand why it may seem boring to some and they may not be able to stick to it, but truly, at 34 and having been overweight since I was 9, this is the easiest diet I have ever been on in my life! Sure 9 days of chicken might get boring, but a little Jamaican Wild Fire sauce goes a long way to spicing it up a bit.

You have to be creative with it. The diet allows you to have ketchup, BBQ sauce, fat free mayo, low cal or low carb salad dressing and any other condiment that is less than 10 cals. I've even managed to get away with low cal/fat free creamer in my coffee!

Personally, I'd like to mention that I have not exercised a single day. I would like to join Pilates to regain the flexibility I once had, but that will come in it's good time. So, if you are busy, have little or next to no time, I say this should be easy to do if you can stick to it.

There is NO weighing, NO measuring, NO staring at labels and spending 2 hours in the supermarket and NO counting of stupid points! (How much closer to obsessive/compulsive behavior can you get?) It's all done for you. I honestly cannot imagine how to make a diet any easier unless it came with a chef to cook it for you.

Secondly, I'm at a point in my life where I'm sick of letting my weight control me. Yes, as I said, the food can get boring if you LET it, but as the person above stated, you get 3 cheat days where you can eat whatever you want so, to me, it can't get any easier than that.

Lastly, I can only speak from personal experience, but the only time I was EVER able to lose weight in my life was on a low carb, low fat diet. That Medical Weight Loss clinic in Michigan someone mentioned they went to and had a 3 day cleansing program - that was the exact clinic I lost over 20 lbs at following a similar plan suggested at fat loss for idiots diet plan but having to spend hours and around 4500 $ was skeptical for me.

Lot of people have the problem that their bodies cannot handle a lot of carbohydrates because it turns to sugar and then fat, too fast, due to slow metabolism. This fat loss for idiots diet is specifically designed to trick your metabolism into burning calories more efficiently and for me, it seem to work. I say don't knock it till you try it.

The only other thing I wanted to quickly mention is that someone asked if the weight would stay off. Now I can't imagine eating the same exact foods for the rest of my life, but I do believe that this diet shows that eating less food, more often, is a better choice for a healthy metabolism. I think it promotes good eating habits. So, if you keep an eye on your weight once a week or so and catch yourself before it goes out of control, I don't see how you couldn't keep it off.

Regardless of what you chose to do, I wish you all the best of luck in your endeavors.

Thanks for reading.

Get your diet plans here at Fat loss for idiots diet