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Friday, January 2

Giving your body the natural fuel

In one sense, the human body is a very complex engine with highly sophisticated computerized systems. The brain controls the body by receiving signals from thousands of “sensors” and sending electronic signals to our internal organs causing them to function and to our muscles causing them to move.

Like any engine, if the body does not receive the proper fuel, it becomes “sluggish”. One of the first signs is a lack of energy. It’s like a car running on cheap gas that needs tune up. It will still get you from point A to point B – but it cuts out all the time, the engine runs rough, it doesn’t have a lot of power, and it’s hard to start in the morning. But if you treat that car to quality gas and a professional tune up - there’s a huge difference – a night and day difference!

Your body needs whole food fuel that is dense in proteins, vitamins, minerals, amino acids, fatty acids, phyto-nutrients, and electrolytes. Your body needs all of those nutrients and it needs them every single day, in their natural whole food form to function properly. Before healthy and permanent weight loss is even possible, proper nutrition must be established.

Nutritional supplements in the form of pills, capsules, and liquid potions have become the accepted norm for nutrition in our society. We’ve been conditioned to believe that a few pills a day offers the same benefit of a healthy diet – but the latest research tells us something different.

"The thousands of vitamins, minerals, and phytochemicals [beneficial plant compounds] in whole foods act synergistically together to create a more powerful effect than the sum of their parts, producing a result which cannot be recreated by supplements," says Jeff Prince, vice president for education at the American Institute for Cancer Research.

Over the past century, nutrition experts have gained a fuller appreciation of the need for a plant-based diet. Research began to show in the 1970s that certain patterns of eating, beyond vitamin and mineral intake, were influencing illnesses. By the 1980s, they found that populations eating more fruits, vegetables and high-fiber foods experienced lower rates of cancer, heart disease and diabetes. Also, by that time, discoveries had been made that newly discovered phytochemicals and certain vitamins and minerals acted as antioxidants and might prevent chronic diseases such as cancer and heart disease. After all, it had been found that people with high blood levels of two antioxidant vitamins (a form of vitamin A called beta carotene and vitamin E) had reduced lung cancer rates. It had also been observed that people who ate more dark-green leafy vegetables (high in beta carotene) experienced less lung cancer, even if they smoked.

Needless to say, these revelations sent shock waves through the scientific community. "This study was a turning point in the nutrition field, especially when multiple studies kept confirming that supplements didn't work at preventing cancers and heart disease," says David Klurfeld, national program leader for human nutrition at the USDA's Agricultural Research Service. "People think that we can pull out the fiber, pull out the antioxidants. But research does not back that up. Study after study says you gain the most benefit from whole foods."

Vitamin C that comes from a whole food (oranges for example) is in the complex, integral form that your body needs. Real vitamin C is part of live food. Live foods generate life – dead foods generate disease. If you start reading labels, you will quickly find that what’s marketed as vitamin C is really a chemical form of ascorbic acid.
Vitamin C pills and products “fortified” with vitamin C really contain ascorbic acid. Synthetic vitamin C is merely a “chemical copy” of the natural ascorbic acid that occurs in whole foods. You can photo copy a $10 bill – it looks like the real thing - but you can’t spend it. This “chemical copy” is no where close to the real, naturally occurring Vitamin C. It is mass produced from cornstarch derivatives and sulfuric acid. Synthetic supplements are exactly that – synthetic meaning fake.

The only real Vitamin C comes from whole foods. Real vitamins are only necessary in minute quantities on a daily basis. Whole food vitamins are the only source of pure, complex, nutrition in the integral and synergistic working form that your body can recognize.

What are we saying? Eat an orange a day and toss the vitamin C pills. Eat a tomato a day and toss the Lycopene pills. Eat spinach and toss the iron pills. Eat carrots and toss the beta carotene pills. In short, give your body the “real thing” instead of artificial chemical copies in the form of pills.

When was the last time your body got real nutrition from whole foods and water for an entire day, week, or month? If you’re like most people you’d have to honestly say it’s been a while. When we have less energy we aren’t as active as we should be. When we aren’t as active we burn fewer calories and gain weight. We take the elevator instead of the stairs, we watch TV instead of taking a walk, and we order pizza instead of preparing healthy meals.

With the proper whole food nutrition and water you can see a night and day difference within a matter of days – even within 24 hours. Let us show you how good you’ll feel and how much energy you can have – just by giving your body the natural fuel it was designed to use.