Fitness and exercise are gaining popularity in our culture for many reasons. Reactions against the sedentary lifestyles Americans have lived for decades, a rash of type two diabetes with people engaging in fitness and exercise to improve their conditions, parents encouraging youngsters to get up and away from the television and work out, and the baby boomers, pursuing fitness and exercise as they age, to allow them to enjoy their advanced years. Regardless of the reasons, many Americans take fitness and exercise very seriously.
Ways, in which Americans engage in fitness and exercise activities are varied and show the diversity of both the population and their interests. Many people go to gyms or athletic clubs. Others participate in sports events that they enjoy. Fitness and exercise activities can include bowling, racquet sports like squash, golf, summer softball leagues, horseshoes, hiking, horseback riding, and many other fun things to do. Fitness and exercise activities in American have many faces.
One of the most popular fitness and exercise activities is simply walking. Many people of all ages enjoy taking a brisk walk every day. This simple fitness and exercise activity can be done by almost anyone. So many Americans are walking these days that magazines are published devoted to the activity. Generally Americans are not as organized as their European cousins when in comes to walking. In Germany, one of the most popular weekend fitness and exercise activities is the volksmarch, or people’s march. When a volksmarch occurs, people of all ages gather together to take a day long, or half day long walk through a town or a country location, stopping to share a meal along the way. They combine fitness and exercise with social activity, and everyone has a great time.
Americans may not be ready for the volksmarch yet, but they find many other fitness and exercise options to their liking. Golf is more popular now than any time in history. Tennis is making a popularity comeback. Even martial arts are fitness and exercise choices for many. For Americans the important thing about fitness and exercise is to do something and make sure that the something you do is something you enjoy. Fitness and exercise will lead to a longer and healthier life, and give a great deal of fun to the participants along the way.