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Monday, July 6

Fitness and Exercise-- Can Extend Life

Physical fitness and exercise can extend life, and perhaps fitness that is even more beneficial and exercise can ensure that a person’s years of life are more productive, more pleasant, and more enjoyable, and who would not want their years of life to be enjoyable? Fitness and exercise seem like a small price to pay for such great rewards.
The first step in a fitness and exercise program is in deciding what type of exercise you enjoy. Fitness and exercise needs to become a lifestyle and that are more likely to happen if you engage in activities you consider fun. Do you enjoy swimming, hiking, walking, running, racquetball, tennis, golf, or any other sports? Are you the type of person who enjoys lifting weights, or using the Stairmaster machine at the local gym? Everyone has different tastes when it comes to fitness and exercise. Deciding on the activity that is right for you is the first step.
Next, make sure that you don’t overdue it. Many people rush into a fitness and exercise program and over due it the first day, leading to sore muscles and aching backs. When that happens, they are much less likely to continue their fitness and exercise program. Moderation is important in a fitness and exercise program. Also, if you are extremely out of shape when you begin your activity, you need to start out at a slower place than you would if you were moderately in shape. 
If possible, get advice from your doctor or another healthcare professional or physical fitness instructor before beginning your fitness and exercise program, and find out what is right for you. For many people ten minutes of brisk walking every other day is enough to get started. 
This can gradually be advanced to fifteen minutes, and then twenty. The important thing with fitness and exercise is to stay with it. The more you do, over time, the more "in shape” you will become and the more you’ll be able to do. Right now six months seems like a long time, but if you begin a fitness and exercise program now, six months will come and go quickly and you’ll see a noticeable difference in your fitness level, your stamina and the way you feel.